Thursday, November 11, 2010

boost your self esteem
Method 1: Draw Upside Down
The process is simple: Muddle your verbal mind by copying a picture that you've turned upside down. If that feels intimidating, buy a paint-by-number kit and turn it upside down before completing it. The inversion of shapes will confuse your left hemisphere. You'll begin perceiving nameless colors and shapes. Verbal thinking will slow down, and beauty will emerge from things you've never even noticed. Then chuck the picture—it's the awareness you want.

Method 2: Open Your Focus.
The first time a yoga instructor told me to "soften my eyes," I thought she was insane. Strangely enough, I sort of did it, though I had no idea how. And suddenly, I felt wonderful. Try softening your focus now. After reading this paragraph, look up at whatever's in front of you. Then, without moving your eyes, allow your attention to broaden, taking in everything you see. Slowly expand your attention to include everything you can hear, smell, feel, and taste. As your focus opens, you'll stop thinking in words, become more present, and see beauty everywhere. Fehmi's research showed that if we do it consistently, this practice affects the brain like meditation on steroids. Try it. It works.

Method 3: Feel the Rhythm of Life
The right brain learns kinesthetically, through the movement of the body. Certain ways of moving activate the SEEING of the right hemisphere. The next time you're reeling from a self-esteem wallop, do the last thing logic would advise: dance. If you absolutely won't dance, engage in another activity that requires repetitive, rhythmic action—swimming, drumming, skiing, whirling like a dervish (the reason dervishes whirl is because it pushes them into right-brain awareness). I've felt this transform my perceptions while running, skiing, and learning to track rhinoceroses in the African wilderness. If you don't have a rhinoceros handy, dancing is your best bet.

1. The one thing we always drink to: water.

2. Suncreen
is the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth. Use at least SPF 15 every day, rain or shine. UV radiation is the major source of skin cancer and accelerated aging of the skin, both of which can occur without tanning or other visible signs of damage.

3. Always treat your hands and neck the way you treat your face.

4. Facials can be expensive, but luminosity is free. The fastest way to better skin tone doesn't cost a dime. Exercising gives you improved circulation and oxygen capacity, which causes the blood vessels in the skin to dilate.

5. Good deeds = good looks. If you do something that makes you feel great about yourself, you're more likely to wear a happy expression.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Redness Relief: Ice Device
If you ever get out of the shower and are pretty red or notice your pores appear large, try this: Soak a washcloth in an ice bath for a few minutes. Take the washcloth out, wring out the excess water and lay the cloth across your face for about 5 minutes. You’ll notice your skin instantly looks much healthier and more refreshed. The cool temperature will also help close down pores and tighten the capillaries that cause redness. I think it is very effective & soothing ^_^