The following document was retrieved from the spirit world. It appears 2 be a GUIDE 4 being pending a first time human life experience
:The Planet EarthLOCATION:The Solar System,Second Major Planet from the SunU've chosen & planned a human life on EARTH . Since it'll be your first human experience, bear in mind the following:
1. U'll receive only one body;like it / not, it's yours 4 the duration. SO, TAKE CARE OF IT .2. U've enrolled in a full time school called HUMAN LIFE .Each day'll have lessons 4 u. It's up 2 u wat u learn from those lessons. U may not like some lessons or think other lessons stupid. U may not even recognise many lessons. Still, U CHOOSE THEM-EVERY ONE3. Life is a learning process wif no score. U learn as much or more from FAILURE as from sucess. The only true failure is not having learned.4. Lessons r repeated until learned They take dirrerent forms until they r learned. After learning a lesson, u go on2 the next one. The process DOES NOT end.5.Wherever u find yourself,, watever happens, it happens by your choise.U put yourself in situations in order 2 learn how 2 deal wif them.6. U've all the ability u need 2 help yourself.U brought it wif u. It's up 2 u 2 find it within yourself.7. Wat u experience in your human life u'll forget in following ones, only wat u learn stays wif u.